Marijuana in the Workplace: Davis Benefits Fall Breakfast Conference (October 2018)

Marijuana in the Workplace
Davis Benefits Annual Fall Breakfast Conference for BC Employers
October 22, 2018

A key component of the Federal Liberal party’s election mandate was the legalization of recreational marijuana. While a fully functional legislative and regulatory scheme ending the prohibition of cannabis is currently in advanced development, the prospects of legalized cannabis in the workplace has some companies feeling more than a little dazed and confused. But cannabis, at least in some instances, is already legal and is already in our workplaces.

On October 22nd, Davis Benefits & Pensions Ltd. will host its annual Fall Employers Breakfast Conference. Guest presenter Richard Johnson will speak to BC business owners and HR professionals about the legalization of recreational marijuana, and the risks and challenges cannabis presents to the workplace in a changing legislative and cultural landscape. Topics will include the following:

  • Human rights concerns
  • Duty to accommodate
  • Workplace productivity
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Privacy concerns

See you there!

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