Year In Review: 2016

Kent Employment Law 2016

2016 was a year of growth and innovation for Kent Employment Law.

For our clients, this meant “walking the talk” of sustainable employment:

Kent Employment Law Team

  • We expanded our team, welcoming lawyers Samantha Stepney (Vancouver) and David Brown (Kelowna – more on that below), Paralegal Dulcie Jones, and Bookkeeper Sean Weijand and partnering with brand and media experts Bemoved Media.
  • We rebranded ourselves with a focus on personal storytelling. This allowed us to accentuate the unique qualities of each member of our team, rather than pigeonholing them into the employment law mold.
  • We incorporated purpose into our team’s experience. Yes, this meant more firm social events like a Nooner at the Nat, Halloween Karaoke Night, Office Tree Trimming and a staff pampering visit from Spa Haven, but it also saw us collaborating on a charitable giving initiative that benefitted local organization Mission Possible while also making us feel good about our work.  
  • We focused on community development. Through our in-house Employer Forum series, we invited our clients and employer contacts in as strategic partners to discuss issues of interest to forward-thinking business owners.
  • We changed how we communicate with you. To make it easier for you to stay educated and informed about key employment law happenings, we created client-focused video and newsletters and connected you with relevant content through social media. We focused on listening as much as telling, by becoming more accessible online and developing a client feedback survey (launching in 2017)!
  • We explored ways to be more responsive to your individual needs. In an effort to increase access to and affordability of legal services, we’ve expanded our offering to include paralegal support where appropriate. Our paralegals are trained and qualified to conduct many aspects of an employment law matter under a lawyer’s supervision, at a lower hourly rate than our lawyers charge.

Finally, we cultivated strong relationships with our clients and contacts – you inspired and engaged us, and for that, we are truly grateful.

2017 is full of promise and possibility, and we can’t wait. On that note…

Business is booming in the Okanagan and we’re happy to announce that we’ll be providing support to clients in our new Kelowna office. Stay tuned for more information about our offering in the new year!


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