Erin Brandt Speaking at CPHR BC & Yukon Conference and Tradeshow (May 2018)

Join Erin Brandt May 2, 2018 at the CPHR BC & Yukon Conference & Tradeshow 2018, to learn about the gig economy and its impact on the modern workplace:

As business needs call for flexibility in work arrangements, employers are turning to casual employment, fixed-term contracts and the use of contract workers to meet their business needs. This session will cover best practices for drafting bulletproof contracts, avoiding the pitfalls and liabilities of misclassifying workers and a discussion of the challenges of a “gig economy”.

DATE: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
TIME: 10:45am – 12:15pm

Register for this event hosted by CPHR BC & Yukon HERE. 

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