Wilson v. We Wai Kai Nation / Cape Mudge Indian Band (CLC Ajudication, July 2018)

Our client was a long-term, senior employee of the We Wai Kai First Nation (WWK). When he was dismissed after over 30 years of service, he filed both a Canada Labour Code complaint of unjust dismissal and a Human Rights complaint against WWK.

These complaints were heard by an Adjudicator over the course of a six day hearing. In his decision, the Adjudicator found that our client had been unjustly dismissed and that WWK acted in a manner that was premeditated and intended to cause our client financial harm. The Adjudicator awarded our client over $122,000 in damages, including $45,000 in aggravated damages, plus interest and costs.

To read the decision in Wilson, click here.


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