Employer Forum – Recruitment and Hiring: Promises and Pitfalls (Nov 2016)

Kent Employment Law (KEL) invites you to be a part of its ongoing Employer Forums, our resource for forward-thinking business owners and HR professionals.

Created for employers striving to “do good” for their employees, their communities, and the world, our Employer Forums offer an opportunity to connect and learn from each other in a casual, relaxed setting.

With topics ranging from hiring to firing, each Forum rests on the principles of Sustainable Employment™ and the goals of talent attraction, engagement, productivity and loyalty.

The focus of our November Forum is Recruitment and Hiring: Promises and Pitfalls.

When:Tuesday, November 8th, 7:45 am – 9:15 am
Where: Kent Employment Law offices, 1285 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC
What:    Panel and group discussion 

Coffee and a light breakfast will be provided!

Topics will include:

  • Identifying your needs and opportunities
  • Hiring for fit – what’s your workplace culture?
  • What can you offer a new hire?
  • How technology and personality tests can help
  • Onboarding

This month, senior HR professional Heidi Eaves and business consultant Fraser Engel will lead the discussion, sharing their stories and advice. As always, a KEL lawyer (this month, Trevor Thomas) will offer an employment law perspective.

Forum participants will also have an opportunity to contribute and ask questions, so that everyone can benefit from each other’s experiences.

Space is limited, so register now!


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